Resolution 2023-S8-3006
Resolution 2023-S8-3006
Chief Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras
Co-Sponsor(s): Rep. Juana Cordova, Student Success Director Mahanoor Murtaza
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government seeks to advocate for the success of students which
includes efficient usage of campus spaces for students to study; and,
WHEREAS, the UIC Library operations have been limited since the COVID-19 lockdowns; and,
WHEREAS, there is strong student body support for the UIC Library to open up its resources; and,
WHEREAS, having UIC Library resources, including library spaces, being more available will allow
students to study independently and collaborate with each other in an productive environment; and,
WHEREAS, Undergraduate Student Government leaders have held fruitful negotiations with UIC
Library leadership and have come to an agreement among their talks and negotiations; then,
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government supports the following:
I. The reopening of the Idea Commons to be open 24/5.
II. To allow study rooms to be open permanently.
III. To allow students to bring food and drinks into the UIC Daley Library.
IV. Allow the checking of student IDs after 9 PM.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, the Undergraduate Student Government shall issue the following
Honor Code to ensure library policies are being adhered to:
By using this space, I, the user(s) of this space, am honor-bound to:
I. Keep my spaces clean for other students and users
II. Refrain from abusing drugs, alcohol, smoking, and vaping in library spaces
III. Commit to upholding UIC’s policy on academic integrity and student code of conduct
result Heading link
Introduced on March 13, 2023.
Executive Ordered on March 13, 2023.
Result: Passed on March 13, 2023.
Relevant Minutes Heading link