Resolution 2023-S7-1013

Drink Spiking Prevention

Chief Sponsors: Director Felix Celestino, Representative Lauren Hanna, Representative Veronica Dinh,
Representative Ryan Rodriguez, Representative Sam Blin, Representative Isaiah Irlbacker,
Representative Yaksh Patel, Representative David Karpinski
Co-Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) has committed itself to bettering the safety
of the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) community; and
WHEREAS, 8% of college students in the United States have reported being a victim of drink spiking;
WHEREAS, 7 students from the University of Chicago reported possible drink spiking in November of
2022; and
WHEREAS, there are no drink spiking prevention devices that are accessible to the UIC students; and
WHEREAS, NightCap is a business that sells drink spiking prevention devices, called NightCap, that are
designed as either a scrunchie or keychain at a bulk discount that is tax exempt with free shipping; then

LET IT BE RESOLVED, that USG will allocate $4,600 to purchase 500 scrunchie NightCaps and 500
keychain NightCaps.
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that USG will distribute these drink spiking prevention devices, for free, while
tabling in Student Center East and during a Bystander Intervention Event in April.

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, any remaining funds will be allocated back to the USG budget

Introduced on March 6, 2023.

Amended to include Matthew Almendras as a co-sponsor on March 6, 2023.

Executive Ordered on March 6, 2023.

ResultPassed on March 6, 2023.

Relevant Minutes Heading link