Resolution 2023-S7-1012

Dental Hygiene Initiative

Chief Sponsor(s): Representative Arsen Peredruk
Co-Sponsor(s): Representative Matthew Caballes, Representative Meghna Dasgupta, Representative
Dilay Heybeli, Representative Jesse Ghoman, Representative Alexis Mata, Treasurer Quinn Basta

WHEREAS, The core mission statement of the Undergraduate Student Government is to serve and
advocate for the best interests of the undergraduate student body; and
WHEREAS, students may be struggling to afford dental products that are needed on a daily basis; and
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government seeks to engage with and benefit the students of
the undergraduate student community; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that in the early weeks of April, the Undergraduate Student Government will
reserve a table in the Student Center East building to distribute dental floss, tooth brushes, tooth paste,
and mouthwash.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG shall allocate up to $1500 for purchase of the
aforementioned items to distribute to UIC students.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent allocated funds shall be returned to the USG

Introduced on March 6, 2023.

ResultPassed on March 13, 2023.

Relevant Minutes Heading link