Resolution 2023-S5-2000
UIC USG Statement of Support for MSU
Chief Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras, Representative Felix Giron, Representative Juana
WHEREAS, on February 13th, 2023, a shooting occurred at Michigan State University (MSU) in which
3 students lost their lives and 5 were injured; and
WHEREAS, this devastating event has caused grief and pain to the MSU community; and
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government would like to share its support for the MSU
community during this time of grief and pain; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government of the University of Illinois –
Chicago provides its full support for the MSU community.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the UIC Undergraduate Student Government shall send the
attached letter to the UIC community.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of the attached letter shall be sent to key campus safety
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government calls for campus
safety to be a top priority.
result Heading link
Introduced on February 20, 2023.
Amended on February 20, 2023.
Executive ordered on February 20, 2023.
Result: Passed on February 20, 2023
Relevant Minutes Heading link
● Read by Pres. Almendras
● Questions/Discussion:
○ Rep. Zhang: Can this be forwarded not just to campus safety groups, but majority
of student organizations, too, as it is applicable to all students
○ Rep Zafar: Would we also be forwarding the information that we have a campus
safety commission in which we are actively working to make campus safer
○ CP Alvarez: This letter needs to be revised if we are going to be sending it to
Pres. Almendras: Motion to amend Government “shall send the attached letter to the MSU
Undergraduate Student Government→ USG shall share the attached letter throughout the UIC
Community and Body” → motion passed
● Pres. Almendras executive orders to vote on this tonight
○ Voting: Passed– unanimous vote