Resolution 2023-S4-1004

Future Business Minds: A Professional Development and Networking Event

Chief Sponsor(s): Representative Jesse Ghoman, Deputy-Treasurer Matthew Caballes, Treasurer Quinn
Basta, President Matthew Almendras
Co-Sponsor(s): Representative Dilay Heybeli, Representative Meghna Dasgupta

WHEREAS, The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) seeks to host events to strengthen and
bring the undergraduate student community together; and
WHEREAS, USG seeks to engage with student organizations, and establish a connection with different
colleges and their respective students; and
WHEREAS, there is a strong need for community strengthening events and opportunities for students to
network with one another; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED that USG will host an event titled: Future Business Minds: A Professional
Development and Networking Event, to involve around 20 different Business Student Organizations,
and a variety of panelists with different business experiences.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that USG shall allocate $600 to reserve the Illinois Room in the last
week of March or the first week April.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that all unspent funds shall be returned to the budget before the end
of the Spring 2023 Semester.

Introduced on February 13, 2023.

Result:  Passed on February 20, 2023.

Relevant Minutes Heading link

○ Rep Gohman: not just for business students. We are encouraging students of all different majors to
host events like these like an engineering one and more
○ Questions/Discussion
■ Rep Dinh: Any specific time?
● Rep Gohman: We are still discussing to find a good time to agree upon.
Obviously getting 20 groups available is hard but likely the last week of March

■ Rep Blin: Other than the $600 fee for the room, what else might you need?
● Rep Gohman: UIC alumni and food which that will be in a separate resolution,
we want it to be easy to go up to other student orgs to learn

■ Rep Dinh: Is this like a career fair?
● Rep Gohman: No, it is like an involvement fair with a lot more interaction