Resolution 2023-S3-3001

Lobby Day Bus Purchase

Chief Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras
Co-Sponsor(s): Representative Melodie Slaughter, Vice President Michael Fernandes, Treasurer Quinn Basta, Legislative Affairs Director Jair Alvarez

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government advocates for students; and,
WHEREAS, USG is partnering with the Student Advocacy Coalition (SAC) to lobby Illinois elected
officials on UIC and UI System needs; and,
WHEREAS, Lobby Day is on Feb. 22nd, 2023; and,
WHEREAS, USG has traditionally purchased buses that UIC students will ride on to travel to
Springfield, Illinois; then,
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government shall purchase the rent of one
coach bus from Peoria Charter; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, USG shall allocate a maximum of $2,176 to purchase the rent of
one coach bus from Peoria Charter; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, any unspent funds shall be returned to the budget.

Introduced on February 6, 2023.

Executive Ordered on February 6, 2023.

Result:  Passed

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