Resolution 2023-S3-1002
USG State of the Student Dinner
Chief Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras, Director of Public Affairs Kenvi Chaudhari, Chief of
Staff Abigail Pettineo
Co-Sponsor(s): Speaker Michelle Zhou
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) represents the University of Illinois –
Chicago (UIC) student body; and,
WHEREAS, USG has hosted an annual “State of the Student” event to highlight USG’s advocacy
accomplishments and to rally support for current USG initiatives; and,
WHEREAS, USG is dedicated to promoting the work and services USG is doing now and has done in
previous academic years; then,
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government will host the “USG State of the
Student” on March 3rd from 6pm-7pm; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, USG will allocate $600 for room reservation fees; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, USG will allocate $1,200 for catering; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, $1,800 is the maximum allocation for the “USG State of the
Student” and all unspent funds shall be returned to the budget.
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Introduced on February 6, 2023.
Amended on February 13, 2023 to include the correct date.
Result: Passed on February 13, 2023.