Resolution 2023-S2-5002

Resolution 2023-S2-5002

Chief Sponsor(s): Representative Meghna Dasgupta, Representative Dilay Heybeli, Representative Jesse
Ghoman, Representative Matthew Caballes, Treasurer Quinn Basta

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government seeks to promote social events for students on
campus; and

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government seeks to partner with registered departmental
organizations on campus; and

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government seeks to establish a partnership with UIC Radio;

LET IT BE RESOLVED, that on February 16th, the Undergraduate Student Government will partner
with UIC Radio for an Open Mic night in Student Center East; and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG shall allocate a maximum of $300 for the purchase of
drinks and snacks from UIC Catering for the attendees of the event; and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent funds shall be returned to the USG budget.

Introduced on January 30, 2023.

Result:  Passed on February 6, 2023.