Resolution 2023-S12-5012

Recognizing Student Organizations: ‘Flow’ Machine Initiative

Chief Sponsor(s): Deputy Chair of Student Success Nazra Zafar, Deputy Chair of Campus Life
Lauren Hanna
WHEREAS, Resolutions 2021-F12-900 and 2021-S12-802 entails the inclusion of various
stickers displaying the student organizations making the supplementation of menstrual products
possible through the implementation of ‘Flow’ machines on campus; and
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) has established its mission to
provide visibility to underrepresented student organizations – especially those who advocate for
menstrual health – through the aforementioned resolutions; and
WHEREAS, these stickers are no longer visible on ‘Flow’ machines to provide visibility and
recognition to key women’s health student organizations on campus; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government will re-introduce the
implementation of resolution 2021-F12-900 by re-printing and re-pasting stickers with the
following design on the Flow machines in female bathrooms throughout campus:

LET IT BE RESOLVED, that these stickers shall be pasted on Flow machines on campus in the
following locations:
● Daley Library (5)
● Student Center East (4)
● Behavioral Sciences Building (2)
● Lecture Center B (1)
● Douglas Hall (1)
● Burnham Hall (1)
● Stevenson Hall (1)
● University Hall (1)
● Science and Engineering Lab East (1)
● Science and Engineering Lab West (1)
● Science and Engineering South (1)
● College of Urban Planning and Affairs (1)
● Academic and Residential Complex (1)
● Architecture and Design Studios (1)
● Education, Theatre, Music and Social Work (1); and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that these stickers shall have the following organizations’
logos printed:
● Blood Buds at UIC
● Code Red
● Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
● American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) ; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that a total of $57.95 shall be allocated for the printing of
these stickers (Amazon link), and any unspent funds shall be returned to the USG Budget.

Introduced on April 17, 2023.

Executive Ordered on April 17, 2023.

Result: Passed on April 17, 2023.

Relevant Minutes Heading link