Resolution 2023-S1-5001
USG GBM Catering & Room Reservations
Chief Sponsor(s): Treasurer Quinn Basta, President Matthew Almendras
WHEREAS, it is constitutionally mandated for the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) conduct
general body meetings at minimum 8 times a semester; and
WHEREAS, the size and operational needs of USG General Body Meetings require space beyond which
its office can provide; and
WHEREAS, the general body meetings have traditionally provided catering for members; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Undergraduate Student Government shall allocate up to $7,000 to fund
catering services and cover any room costs for the Spring 2023 Semester; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that all unspent funds after the last general body meeting shall be
returned to the budget.
Relevant Minutes Heading link
○ Read by Treas. Basta
■ USG GBM Catering and Room Reservations
● Comment: Treas. Basta: $550 per meeting/ $13 per person is very