Resolution 2023-F8-1006
“All Around the World Before Finals” Tabling Event"
Chief Sponsor(s): Representative Jordan Pablo, Representative Jiya Patel, Representative Manasvi
Thumu, Representative Sajal Shukla, Representative Sedje Tinfang, Representative Saba Ali,
Representative Jacob Maduakolam, Treasurer Matthew Caballes, Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Dilay Heybeli
Co-Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras
WHEREAS, the University of Illinois Chicago has students from many different countries and cultural
backgrounds and the Undergraduate Student Government promotes diversity and cultural exchange; and
WHEREAS, finals are a major cause of stress for students and the Undergraduate Student Government
strives to decrease stress while spreading cultural awareness among students; Globe stress balls and
international teas are known to be useful both for stress relief and honoring cultural diversity; and
WHEREAS, The Flag Guessing Game is offering students the opportunity to learn about the flags of
various countries, promoting the recognition, education, and appreciation of cultures around the world;
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the “All Around the World Before Finals” Tabling Event will be held 1 week
before the final week of the University of Illinois Chicago, Wednesday 29 of November, 3.30-5.30 PM in
the Student Center East,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government shall allocate a
maximum of $350 to cover 180 pieces of cookies and hot water from UIC Catering, “Guess the Flag”
Educational Purposed Game, 100 piece of Globe Stress Balls, International teas all around the World,
cups and other needs for the tabling event,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent funds shall be returned to the budget.