Resolution 2023-F3-5002

USG GBM Catering & Room Reservations

Chief Sponsor(s): Treasurer Matthew Caballes, President Matthew Almendras, Representative Jesse
WHEREAS, it is constitutionally mandated for the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) conduct
general body meetings at minimum 8 times a semester; and
WHEREAS, the size and operational needs of USG General Body Meetings require space beyond which
its office can provide; and
WHEREAS, the general body meetings have traditionally provided catering for members; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Undergraduate Student Government shall allocate up to $6,000 to fund
catering services and cover any room costs for the Fall 2023 Semester; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that all unspent funds after the last general body meeting shall be
returned to the budget.

Introduced on October 2, 2023.

Executive Ordered on October 2, 2023.

Result: Passed on October 2, 2023.