Resolution 2022-F8-1005
Cocoa and Kindness Tabling Event
Chief Sponsor(s): Speaker of the House Michelle Zhou, Treasurer Quinn Basta
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government and Mental Health Coalition found it imperative to
support students’ mental health and emotional wellbeing through targeted programming as midterm and
final exams approach; and
WHEREAS, in order to do so, the Mental Health Coalition has opted to host a tabling event on
Wednesday, November 9th in Student Center East, during which UIC students shall be prompted to
share how they’re feeling, describe any concerns they may have about mental health or the provided
resources on campus, and/or write a kind note to be passed on to the next participating student; and
WHEREAS, the MHC wishes to provide free hot chocolate to contributing students in order to thank
them for their participation and to raise morale; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government shall allocate $44 for the
purchase of 4 cartons of hot chocolate to be distributed to students throughout the duration of the tabling
event; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent funds shall be reallocated to the USG budget.