Resolution 2022-F6-2001
USG Letter for Getir
Chief Sponsor(s): Vice President Michael Fernandes, Legislative Affairs Chair Jair Alvarez, President
Matthew Almendras
WHEREAS, the University of Illinois Chicago is a campus that promotes the safety of its students; and,
WHEREAS, UIC has upheld student safety through a set of codes and regulations that prohibit certain
activities from occurring on campus; and,
WHEREAS, effective January 1, 2021, policy UP-4500-002 took into effect that served to “maintain the
safety and comfort of all individuals on campus” by prohibiting the “use of e-scooters and other
low-speed, motorized personal transportation devices on university premises and in university
facilities”; and,
WHEREAS, many students have identified Getir’s motorized/electric bicycles on UIC’s campus
operating at high speeds and weaving around students to get by faster; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the Undergraduate Student Government agrees to sign the letter below
addressed to Getir that asks for this issue to be managed within their company.
Letter Heading link
Date (10/10/2022) To: Getir From: The Undergraduate Student Government The University of Illinois Chicago welcomes students and surrounding communities to enjoy its open and beautiful campus. UIC campus police have enforced rules and regulations to ensure that the students and members who roam the campus are protected from individuals or activities that might threaten their safety. Recently, however, students have noticed electric bicycles owned by Getir - the grocery and delivery company - used throughout UIC’s campus. It is important to note that the electric devices used by the delivery company can accelerate to dangerous speeds, especially around pedestrians. According to UIC’s policy on e-scooters and other low-speed, motorized personal transportation devices on campus (policy number: UP-4500-002), Getir motorized bicycles are not allowed to use the campus as a route option to their delivery destination. Although the Undergraduate Student Government recognizes that not all Getir employees have crossed through UIC campus on these motorized devices, in the times that students have noticed, they have expressed major concerns with the speed utilized and the navigation patterns around fellow students. We kindly request that the employees at Getir are reminded of not using their electric forms of transportation on UIC campus. We also request that Getir does all in their power to monitor their employees of this described activity. This is to ensure UIC policy is followed as well as to reduce the risk of injury to persons and damage to university property. Signed, President Matthew Almendras Vice President Michael Fernandes Legislative Affairs Chair Jair Alvarez The Undergraduate Student Government