Resolution 2022-F6-1003

USG Coffee, Cocoa, Cookies, and Career Event

Chief Sponsor(s): Chairwoman Mahanoor Murtaza
Co-Sponsor(s): Chief of Staff Abigail Pettineo, Treasurer Quinn Basta

WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government cares for the academic success of students
and gives importance to providing opportunities for their career readiness; and
WHEREAS, this can be achieved by collaborating with the UIC Career Development
departments; and
WHEREAS the Student Success Committee will be hosting a USG Coffee, Cocoa, Cookies, and
Career Event in collaboration with the LAS Department of Internships and Career Development
on Thursday, November 17th from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that USG will allocate $80 for the following services and any other
needed supplies (bulleted below):
● [1x] Projector and screen ($26.50 total)
● [1x] Microphone- Wired ($50.00 total); then
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG will allocate $80 for the following beverages
from UIC Catering and any other needed beverages (bulleted below):
● [3x] Gallon of Coffee ($14.50 ea., $43.50 total)
● [3x] Gallon of Hot chocolate ($11.00 ea., $33.00 total); then
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG will allocate $200 for the following cookies and
any other needed cookies (bulleted below):
● [10x] Cookies and Cracker Mix ($11.49 ea., $114.90 total)
● [10x] Snack Pack Variety Mix ($6.99 ea., $69.90 total); then

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG will allocate $50 for the promotion and the
printing of bingo cards for the event; then
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that USG will allocate a total of $410 for the costs of the
USG Coffee, Cocoa, Cookies, and Career Event.