Resolution 2022-F6-1002
USG Cultural Fair
Chief Sponsor(s): Director of Diversity and Inclusion Manasvi Thumu
Co-Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almedras and Treasurer Quinn Basta
WHEREAS, The University of Illinois Chicago is one of the most diverse campuses not just in Chicago
or in the state of Illinois, but across the nation; and
WHEREAS, UIC hosts many students and faculty from all backgrounds and cultures. Although UIC is
very diverse, USG has been aware that students do not feel its rich diversity; and
WHEREAS, It is the mission of the Undergraduate Student Government to promote and elevate UIC’s
diversity. The Undergraduate Student Government shall work towards elevating diversity on campus and
make UIC a more welcoming campus to its thousands of unique students; and
WHEREAS, USG seeks to collaborate with UIC Cultural Centers to organize a cultural fair/festival that
will not only present the world’s cultures, but increase engagement and community at UIC; and
WHEREAS, The USG Cultural Fair will be a 3-hour event taking place from 4-7 pm in the Illinois Room
A and B during November 11th. A cultural production with 15 time slots for special acts, dance, or speaker
performances can take place on the main stage in the Illinois Room A. Outside the main stage area, there
will be booths hosted by student organizations to showcase art and other student cultural works as well as
community resources. In the same area, there will be tables with cultural snacks for students to experience
diverse foods. To provide representation for all the student cultural organizations, quilt squares will be
provided to student organizations to make a quilt to represent their organizations at the event if they cannot
staff a booth or participate in the stage production, and
WHEREAS, The specific Event Agenda for the USG Cultural Fair is the attached document below, then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, USG will allocate 1249.80 dollars for the event.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, USG will spend the allotted money according to the attached budget.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that all unspent funds shall be returned to the budget before the end
of the Fall 2022 Semester.
Planned Events for Cultural Fair Heading link
Cultural Fair Event - 3 hour Production by USG in Collaboration with AACC, ArabAmCC, AARCC, DCC, GSC, LCC, and WLRC ● Introduction to Event by USG ● Multiple MC’s to introduce Acts ○ 5 Ten Minute Time Slots ○ 10 Five Minute Time Slots ■ Multiple organizations can collaborate for each slot ■ Organizations must submit idea and sample of production before selection ■ Slots are first come first serve ■ While cultural or identity focused performances or productions are preferred, other organizations may apply for consideration ● Closing Remarks by USG Outside Illinois Room ● Booths hosted by Student Organizations showcasing UIC’s ethnic diversity ○ These would be booths for cultural organizations to recruit, advertise events, showcase projects they've done ● Quilt Photobooth ○ Quilt mural for photobooth backdrop, squares given to student orgs to put together a piece that represents all of us and students can stop by and take pictures with it ○ A way to include organizations that are not able to take part in the event because time slots may be competitive, and a visual way to look at all the different identity organizations UIC is home to ● Scavenger hunt ○ Cultural centers can hide pictures around event locations, students can stop by, find all seven pictures/scan qr code for prize ● Ethnic Food To Go ○ Tables offering snacks sponsored by cultural centers Link for Student to Reserve Stage Time Slot or Table: Proposed Collaborations with the Seven Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change Ethnic Food To Go ● Snack table sponsored by cultural centers (ArabAmCC, AARCC, AACC, and LCC), food from ethnic local restaurants that students can quickly pick up to experience part of UIC’s diverse local surrounding food culture Tabling ● All of the cultural centers can share a table to display resources from each of their cultural centers and spread more awareness about their existence on campus Advertisement ● Post on Instagram or repost USG’s instagram post on Cultural Center’s Instagram Story to advertise event Reach out to UIC student community ● Reach out to students about productions and signing up for tables and production