Resolution 2022-F12-3003

UIC Daley Library Study Room Honor Code Sponsorship

Chief Sponsor(s): President Matthew Almendras

WHEREAS, the UIC Daley Library is reopening study rooms for Finals Week (Dec. 5th- Dec. 9th); and,
WHEREAS, Dean Ballard-Thrower (Dean of Libraries) requested the Undergraduate Student
Government to assist the library in upholding library policies via an honor code; and,
WHEREAS, having study rooms reopened for students to study in groups and finish group projects will
help them achieve higher grades; then,
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the Undergraduate Student Government will sponsor study space honor codes
for students to follow while using the spaces; then,
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, the honor codes are as follows:
I. Keep a mask on at all times
II. No eating or drinking in the study rooms
III. Keep the study room clean for other students

Use of Library Study Room Honor Code Heading link

We are excited to have study rooms in the Daley Library available again for students during
Finals Week! We ask all students to continue to respect the rules of the Daley Library.
By using this space, I, the user(s) of this space, am honor-bound to:

I. Keep a mask on at all times
II. Not eat or drink in the study rooms
III. To keep the study room clean for other students
Good luck with Finals, and thank you for your help!