Resolution 2022-F12-1012

Improving Public Comment Section

Chief Sponsor(s): Director of Diversity & Inclusion Manasvi Thumu and Director of Public Affairs
Kenvi Chaudhari

WHEREAS, the Public Comment section is an essential part of the USG meeting where UIC students,
faculty, and staff can input issues and concerns; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative that USG advertises the public comment section to increase UIC student
engagement to improve USG’s effectiveness in initiatives and understanding of the student population;
WHEREAS, flyers can effectively advertise USG’s meeting times, locations, and USG initiatives visibly
on campus to increase transparency to UIC students, faculty and staff; then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the Undergraduate Student Government will allocate $300 from the purchase
of flyers to advertise USG meetings to UIC students, faculty, and staff.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent funds will be returned to the USG budget.