BILL 2024-F9-1013
Finals De-stress Event
Chief Sponsor(s): Diversity and Inclusion Director Abdullah Sami, Representative Dhanushri Devi
Kannan, Representative Jiya Patel, Representative Fatou Dioum, Representative Housseynatou Diallo,
Representative Maya Chahine
Co-Sponsor(s): President Haider “Asa” Asad, Treasurer Michael Klimek
WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) seeks to support the well-being and mental
health of the University of Illinois Chicago’s student body by recognizing the heightened stress many
students experience prior to finals week; and
WHEREAS, the Finals De-Stress event aims to offer a comforting and inclusive environment where
students from diverse backgrounds can relax, recharge, and connect with their peers during this
challenging period; and
WHEREAS, this collaboration between the Undergraduate Student Government and the Arab American
Cultural Center on December 2nd, before finals week, will feature free tea and hot chocolate from various
cultural traditions, providing students with a unique opportunity to explore cultural flavors and unwind;
LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government proudly collaborates with the Arab
American Cultural Center for the Finals De-Stress event, with the intent of establishing it as a tradition
that promotes community, well-being, and inclusivity at UIC for years to come; and
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that the Finals De-Stress event will take place on Monday,
December 2
LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED, that the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) shall allocate a
maximum of $1,000 towards the Finals De-Stress event, covering expenses for refreshments, cultural teas,
hot chocolate, and wellness activities aimed at providing comfort and support to the student body.