BILL 2024-F7-5007

USG Office Supplies Initiative

Chief Sponsor(s): Treasurer Michael Klimek, President Haider “Asa” Asad, Chief of Staff Tereza Progri
WHEREAS, The Undergraduate Student Government maintains and operates an office in Student
Center East, and
WHEREAS, the USG office is used by all USG members for committee meetings, Executive Board
meetings, meetings with members of the UIC community, and as a general workspace, and
WHEREAS, the space must remain clean and tidy, then
LET IT BE RESOLVED, the Undergraduate Student Government will allocate $60 to the purchase of
cleaning supplies and other office supplies including all-purpose cleaning spray, clorox wipes, paper
towel, and dusters.
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that any unspent funds shall be returned to the budget.