STUDENT TRUSTEE Heading link Copy link Quinn Basta Student Trustee EXECUTIVE Heading link Copy link Asa Asad President Dilay Heybeli Vice President Tereza Progri Chief of Staff CABINET Heading link Copy link Abdullah Abdul Sami Director of Diversity and Inclusion Ashley Huang Director of Public Affairs Trish Georgiou Director of Legislative Affairs Nathan Thokkudubiyyapu Director of Student Success Pranav Nair Director of Campus Life Michael Klimek Treasurer Manasvi Thumu Speaker of the House Syeda Amena Secretary HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Heading link Copy link Angeline Azroui Representative Spencer Basta Representative Aya Belhandouz Representative Thorri Borozdin Representative Aria Brown Representative Matoy Caballes Representative Dream Cannon Representative Maya Chahine Representative Aaliyah Dayanara Cruz Representative Dhanushri Devi Kannan Representative Housseynatou Diallo Representative Fatou Dioum Representative Olamiji Fabamigbe Representative Safa Fathima Representative Nina Fonseca Representative Akshat Khatri Representative Viktoria Koleva Representative Ohik Kwon Representative Teja Lebaka Representative Jacob Maduakolam Representative Ayush Patel Representative Jiya Patel Representative Arsen Peredruk Representative Sara Rothenbaum Representative Allie Salem Representative Mohammed Sawas Representative Kamran Shafi Representative Anvi Shevade Representative Sajal Shukla Representatve Jason Whitehair Representative ADVISOR Heading link Copy link Carlos Mata Advisor Email: View Profile